Below is a selection of articles on what the Christadelphians believe and teach.
Summary of Our Beliefs
We believe that the Bible is God’s only revealed message to mankind, given to bring responsive individuals to a loving obedience to God and His ways, and to give man hope through the precious promises God has made.
The Bible is our only authority and we believe it should be read prayerfully and with reverence at all time. (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Romans 16:25-26; John 17:17)
Certain key teachings stand out. We invite you to thoughtfully consider these teachings with your Bible in hand. Below is a summary of the what the christadelphians believe and teach…Read More
Statement of Faith
That the book currently known as the Bible, consisting of the Scriptures of Moses, the prophets, and the apostles, is the only source of knowledge concerning God and His purposes at present…Read More
Who are the Christadelphians
The community has no paid ministry, no robes or elaborate ceremonies, nor has it any “head of the church” or legislative council. Their ecclesias (the New Testament word for ‘church’) organize their own affairs, though the pattern is similar everywhere. Like the “elders” of New Testament times, members are appointed to manage the affairs of the ecclesia and to preside at its meetings.
At the meeting for the “breaking of bread” on “the first day of the week” there are hymns, prayers, readings from the Scriptures and an exhortation. The bread and the wine circulate among all the “brothers and sisters” present. Voluntary collections are taken to meet all the expenses. If some of the early followers of the apostles in the first century could attend such meetings, it is believed that they would immediately recognise what was going on, for it is patterned on New Testament worship…Read More