The view of planet earth, seen from outer space, is very beautiful indeed. Pictures taken from space have confirm this. The earth is a wonderful jewel in God’s creation and the Bible tells us it is where He has promised to reveal His kingdom in all its glory.
The earth, of all the planets in the solar system, is the one that is perfectly suited to all forms of life and the one that orbits at exactly the right distance from the sun to provide comfortable conditions for the human race.
The bible — Sole Source of Information
The Bible alone explains why this should be. It reveals that it was the Lord God, “who formed the earth and made it, who established it, who did not create it in vain, who formed it to be inhabited” (Isaiah 45:18).
We think it is logical to assert that if there is a God, and if He created a race of beings to inhabit this planet and no other, then there must have been an ultimate objective in His mind. Happily, we have not been left to guess …