Bible Truth about the source of temptation
What is Bible truth? Where does it come from? What is temptation? Where does it originate? Am I responsible for temptation or does it come from somewhere else? Hear the speaker answer these questions from the Bible.
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Life After Death – When, How and Why?
Is there life after death? How do we know there can be life after death? If there is life after death, when we receive it? Are there any conditions to us obtaining life after death? Why should there be the offer of life after death? What does this mean for me and my loved ones? Listen to the speaker answer these questions from God word the Bible.
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Bible Spotlight ‘Looking forward, looking back-when will we see the return of Christ?
What is Bible Spotlight? What do we see looking forward? Why look back? When will Christ return? Can we know the exact time of his return? How does looking back affect me? Why should I look forward? What will the return of Christ mean for Me? Listen to the discussion answering these questions.
The Bible Teaches Us About World Peace
What can the Bible teach us about World Peace? Will there be World Peace? When will there be World Peace? Who will rule over the World at Peace? Can I see the World at Peace? Can I be in this World at Peace? Listen to the speaker explain what the Bible, God’s word, teaches us?
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The Bible Affects Your Life – But Do You Know It?
How does the Bible affect my life? Why is this important? Do you know your Bible? What changes will be made if I know the Bible? How do I get to know the Bible? Hear the speaker answer these questions and explain why it is to your advantage to know the Bible.
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Christ is Coming and Will Reign on Earth
Who is Christ? Where is he coming from? When is he coming? How will he reign on Earth? What will his reign be like? Who will he reign over? Who will reign with him? Where will he reign from? How much of the Earth will he reign over? Who will be the subjects of this reign? How will this affect me? How can I be involved in this? L’isten to the speaker answer these questions from God’s word the Bible.
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Does it Matter What a Christian Believes?
What is a Christian? Why is it important what a Christian believes? Where should a Christian belief come from? How will what I believe affect my future? Hear the speaker answer these questions from God’s word the Bible.
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What Will the Kingdom of God be Like?
What is the kingdom of God? Where will it be? Who will rule this kingdom? Where will its capital be? Who will the subjects be? What are the laws of this kingdom? What will it be like? Can I be in this kingdom? Listen to the speaker answer these questions from God’s message to us, the Bible.
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God’s Promises Give Hope for a Hopeless World
What promises did God make to give us hope? Is the world in a hopeless state? Who did God give these promises too? Why should these promises give me hope? What should I hope for? How can I be helped by these promises? Hear the speaker answer these questions from the Bible.
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The Bible Challenges the Atheist
What is an Atheist? What is the Bible? How can the Bible challenge the Atheist? What challenges does the Bible have for the Atheist? Why does this concern me? Listen to these challenges put by the speaker.
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Israel in Bible Prophecy
What place does Israel have in Bible Prophecy” How extensive are the prophecies about Israel? How specific are these prophecies? Have any Bible prophecies about Israel been fulfilled? Are there any prophecies about Israel still to happen? Why is this important for me? Hear the speaker answer these questions from God’s message to us, the Bible.
Israel: The World’s Alarm Clock

The Holy Spirit – How is it Active Today?
What is the Holy Spirit? Is it active today? If it is, how is it active now? How can its activity affect me today? Do I need to do anything about the activity of the Holy Spirit? Why should I be concerned about this subject? Hear the speaker answer these questions from the Bible, God’s written message to us.
God’s Plan and Purpose Explained
Does God have a plan for the world and us? Where is this plan found? What is this Plan? What is God’s purpose? How does this affect me? Can I be involved in this Plan? Listen to the speaker answer these questions.
Did Jesus Die For Us or Instead of Us?
Why did Jesus die? Why did Jesus die on the Cross? Did Jesus have to die? What does Jesus dying for us mean? What does Jesus dying instead of us mean? Which is correct? Why does this matter to me? What does mean I should do? Here the speaker answer these questions from the Bible, God’s message to us.
The Existence of Israel Shows that God is Real
Why does Israel exist as a modern nation? How is Israel related to God? How does this existence show that God is Real? What does this mean for the World today? Why is this of interest to me? Hear the speaker answer these questions from the Bible.
Open Day – Clearview Christadelphian Hall
Come and join us to find out what Christadelphians are all about. See our hall, enjoy a sausage sizzle and coffee, meet our members and learn about us and our activities.
Does it Matter What a Christian Believes?
What is a Christian? Why is it important what a Christian believes? Where should a Christian belief come from? How will what I believe affect my future? Hear the speaker answer these questions from God’s word the Bible.
The Evidence of Christ’s Resurrection
What is resurrection? Who claims Christ rose? Who claims Christ did not Rise? What is the evidence that Christ rose? Why is resurrection important? What does this mean for me? Hear these questions answered by the speaker.
Armageddon: What is it and How Can You Survive it?
What is Armageddon? Where will it occur? When will it happen? Who will be involved in Armageddon? How will it affect me? Do I need to survive it? Hear the speaker answer these questions from God’s word to us the Bible.
God’s Promise to Abraham Will Affect Everyone
Who is Abraham? What did God promise Abraham? When did God promise this to Abraham? When will this promise be fulfilled? How will this affect everyone? What do I need to do because of this promise? Hear the speaker answer these questions from the Bible.
What does it Mean to Say the Bible is Inspired?
What is to be inspired? What has this to do with the Bible? How was the Bible inspired? Who inspired the writers of the Bible? What is this important to me? How should this affect me? Listen to the speaker answer these questions.
What is the Gospel?
What does the word gospel mean? Where is it found? Why is the gospel important? What is included in the gospel teaching? How does this affect me? Listen to the speaker answer these questions from the Bible.
External Proofs for the Bible’s Accuracy
Why is the accuracy of the Bible doubted? Can the accuracy of the Bible be proven? Why are external proofs important? What are the external proofs for the Bibles ‘s accuracy? What does an accurate Bible mean for me? Hear the Speaker answer these questions about the Bible.
Explore the Bible – Where Do You Go When You Die?
What is death? Why do I die? What happens to me when I die? Where do I go? What does the Bible say about where I go when I die? Listen to the speaker explore this subject from God’s message to us, the Bible.
Is There Such a Thing as Sin?
What is sin? Does it happen? Who does it? What are the effects of sin? What happens if I sin? Listen to the speaker answer these questions from God’s word to us the Bible.
Promises that Prove the Bible True
What has God promised? How do these promises show that the Bible is True? When were these promises made? Why were these promises made? What does this mean for me? Hear the speaker answer these questions.
Introducing the Christadelphians – Free Tea and Talk
Come along and enjoy dinner and a talk.
Handel’s Oratorio ‘Messiah’ Highlights – FREE at the Adelaide Town Hall
Join us for a free night of timeless music at the Adelaide Town Hall, with the highlights of Handel’s ‘Messiah’.
When: Sat, 1 Jun 2024 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM ACST
Where: Adelaide Town Hall, 128 King William Street, Adelaide, SA 5000
The Reason God Created the World
Why did God create the world? Did God have a purpose in mind when He created the World? What does the future hold for the World? Why is this important for me? Hear what God has to say about this in His message to us the Bible.
Jerusalem – Future Centre of World Peace
Could Jerusalem become the centre of world peace? How will Jerusalem become the centre of world peace? When will this happen? Why will Jerusalem become the centre of world peace? Who will make Jerusalem the centre of world peace? Can I be in this world of peace? How can I be in this world? Hear the answers to these questions from the Bible.
The Bible Predicts the Rise and Fall of Nations
What nations does the Bible predict the rise and fall off? When did the Bible predict these? When did those nations rise and fall? What does this show about the Bible? Why is this of interest to me? Hear the speaker answer these questions.
Who is God?
What is the definition of God? What has he done? What is he doing now? Is he interested in mankind? Has God sent us any messages? What is he like? How does God affect our lives? Why should we be interested in God? What is he going to do in the future? Goes God offer ant hope for the future? Hear the speaker answer these questions from the Bible.
Bible Spotlight on ‘the Israel Situation’
Why is the Israel Situation important? What has the Bible to say about it? Where could this lead? What will happen next? Will it affect me and my future? What can I do? Listen to the presenter and guest discuss this situation from the Bible.
What Happens When We Die?
What is death? Do we go to heaven? Do we go to hell? What is heaven? What is hell? Do we have a choice of where we go at death? Why is this important? Hear the answers to these questions from the Bible.
Israel – Living Proof of a Living God
Why is Israel’s existence important? What has it got to do with God? Why is Israel alive as a nation today? How does this show that God is alive? Why is this important for my belief in God? Will understanding this subject be of benefit to me? Hear the speaker answer these questions from the Bible.
Why is Baptism Essential for Salvation?
What is baptism? Why do I need to be saved? Why is baptism essential? How old do I need to be to be baptised? Are there any prerequisites to baptism? Is there anything else I need to do to be saved? Listen to the speaker answer these questions from the Bible.
Evidence that Jesus Rose from the Dead
Did Jesus rise from the dead? What evidence could show that Jesus rose? What is the evidence that Jesus rose? How do we see and understand this evidence? What does it matter to me if Jesus rose from the dead? Could I also rise from the dead? Listen to the speaker outline his argument.
The Benefits of Reading the Bible
What is the Bible? Why should I read the Bible? What benefits can come from reading the Bible? Should I be interested in these benefits? Listen the speaker answer these questions.
The Jews are God’s Chosen People – But Why?
Why the Jews? When were they chosen? Are they still the chosen people of God? Why is this important? Can I be a person chosen by God? What does this mean for my future? Hear the answers to these questions from the Bible.
God’s Plan for the Future – Are You In or Out?
What is God’s Plan for the future? How will this plan affect me in the future? Is this plan what I want to be a part of? Do I want to be in or out? How can I get in? What happens if I choose to stay out? Listen to the speaker answer these questions from God’s word, the Bible.
10 Years of Russian Aggression. What is God’s Plan for World Peace?
Why is Russia’s aggression important for your future? How can you be involved in God’s plan for world peace? Our speakers will answer these questions from God’s word the Bible.
What does the Rainbow tell us?
What is a rainbow? When did it first appear? Why is it important? What does it mean? Why is it important for me? Hear the speaker answer these questions from God’s word the Bible.
Is Baptism Required for Salvation?
Where can we find the answer to this question? What is baptism? What is salvation? How will this question affect my life now and into the future? Hear the speaker answer these questions.
The Bible Gives Us Peace of Mind and Hope for the Future
Do you have Peace of mind? Do you have hope for the future? Can you have peace of mind and hope for the future in todays world? How can the Bible offer this? How can I have this peace of mind and hope for the future? Listen to the speaker answer these questions in a reasoned way from the Bible.
How to Please a Perfect God
Is God Perfect? Who is this God? Where can we find out about this God? Can he be pleased? How can I please God? Why should I please God? Does he offer me anything if I please him? Hear these questions answered by the speaker.
God’s Word – Peace for Today, Hope for Tomorrow
What is God’s word? How can it offer peace today? What is the peace it offers today? Why is there hope for tomorrow? What is this hope? How can I have peace today and hope for tomorrow? Hear the answers to these questions.
The Importance of Jesus Birth
Who was Jesus? Where was Jesus born? What marked his birth as important? Who is Jesus? Why is his birth important to us today? Why should I be interested in the birth of Jesus? Hear the speaker answer these questions from the Bible.
What Must I Do to be Saved?
Can I be saved? Who offers this salvation? What must I do? Hear the answers to these questions.
So tell me – Who does the Land of Israel really belong to?
God’s Plan for Environmental Restoration
Does the environment need restoring? Does God have a plan for environmental restoration? What is this plan? Where can the plan be found? Will it work? When will this plan be implemented? How will this affect my life? What can I do to help this plan? Hear the speaker answer these questions.
Bible Promises – Who was Abraham and Why was He so Important?
What are these Bible Promises? Where does Abraham appear in the Bible record? Who was he? Why does he receive a Bible Promises? Why should this interest me? How can it affect my life now and in the future? Hear what the speaker has to say from the Bible the answers to these questions.
Understanding the Middle East Crisis from the Bible’s Perspective
Why I Believe in God
What reasons could the speaker have for believing in God? Why is it important that you listen to someone who testifies a belief in God? What effect could this have on my life? Hear the testimony of the speaker.
Addiction – How Can the Bible Help?
What is an addiction? If you have an addiction where can you find help? How can the Bible help? What does the Bible offer as hope for you? Hear the speaker answer these questions from the Bible.
Anti-Semitism on the Rise: Does God have a Purpose with the Jews?
What is Anti-Semitism? Why is it on the rise? Is God interested in the Jewish people? What is God’s purpose and what does it have to do with the Jews? Why is this of interest to me? Listen to the presentation from the Bible.
The State of Israel Proves God’s Existence
Why is the modern country of Israel of interest to God? How does the State of Israel prove God’s existence? What has this got to go with me? Hear the speaker answer these questions from the Bible.
Will there ever be Peace in the Middle East?
God’s Solution to Social Justice
Can people and their governments solve the problems around social justice? Can God provide the solution? Where can we find this answer? How will God provide this solution? When will this happen? Can I be a part of this solution? How will this affect me and those around me? Hear the answer to these questions provided by the speaker.
God has the Answer to the Environmental Crisis
Why is God interested in the environment? Can humankind solve the environmental crisis? What is the answer to the environmental crisis? Why should the answer matter to me? Listen to the answers to these questions from the Bible.
Bible Spotlight on the Israel – Hamas War
Why is this war significant? What does the Bible say about Israel and the Arabs? What does the future hold for this conflict and the world? Hear a discussion about this conflict based on Bible Prophecy.
God Promises One Global King
Why does God promise one global king? Where is this promise found? Who will this king be? How will he become a global king? What do the current nations do about this global king? When will this happen? What does this mean for me? How can I be a citizen of this kingdom? Hear the answers to these questions from the Bible.
The Lord’s Prayer – God’s Will on Earth
What is the Lord’s prayer? Why was the Lord’s prayer recorded? Should we repeat the Lord’s Prayer endlessly? What is the Lord’s prayer all about? What has the Lord’s prayer got to do with God’s will? What is God’s will regarding the Earth? How will understanding the Lord’s prayer affect my life? Hear the answers to these questions from the Bible.
Paradise – Fact or Fantasy?
What is paradise? What does the Bible say about paradise? Has paradise ever existed? Will paradise be in the future? Where is paradise? Why is this subject important for me? Can I have a place in paradise? Jisten to the speaker outline what paradise is and when it will exist from the Bible.
God’s Answer to Poverty
Can humankind provide an answer to poverty? What is the answer to poverty? Where can we find God’s answer to poverty? Why will God’s answer to poverty work and when will it be carried out? How will God’s answer affect me? What do I have to do to be a part of God’s solution to Poverty? Hear the answers to these questions from God’s word the Bible.
Why God Created this World – God the Creator
Why did God create our world? Is God the Creator or did it happen by chance? Is God interested in our world? What will happen to our world? What is my future on this world? Can I do anything to prolong my life? Listen to the speaker explain why God created our world from the Bible.
Learn to Read the Bible Effectively
If you find reading the Bible difficult or frustrating at times, then this Seminar series is for you. Six concise and informative sessions are delivered in a friendly, comfortable environment. They are aimed at equipping you with the tools you need to understand the Bible for yourself. Whether you are familiar with the Bible or are a first time reader, you will walk away with loads of information and new energy to begin reading more effectively.
Bible Teaching on the Spirit of God
What does the Bible say about God’s Spirit? Is it the third part of a Trinity or is it God’s power? What does the Spirit do? Where does it exist? Can I have God’s Spirit as a power to do things? Why is this important? What effect does this have on my salvation? Hear the speaker answer these questions from the Bible, God’s written word.
France in Bible History and Prophecy
Is France mentioned in the Bible? What part has France played in Bible history? What does the Bible say is prophesied for France and is it an important part? Why should this interest me? What does this show about the accuracy of Bible history and prophecy? Hear the speaker outline the answers to these questions.
Why don’t we go to heaven when we die?
What happens when we die? If we don’t go to heaven when we die, is there any other hope for us? How do we obtain any hope for a life after death? Listen to the speaker outline from the Bible what really happens when we die, what hope God offers us and how we can obtain that hope.
Modern Israel – A Sign of Christ’s coming
Why is modern Israel a sign of Christ’s coming? What has modern Israel got to do with God’s purpose? How do we know modern Israel is a sign of Christ’s come? What will be the result of Christ’s coming? How can this change my life? Hear the speaker enlighten you with the answers to these questions from the Bible.
Don’t Lose Hope – Open Your Bible
Do you think the world is in a bad state? Are you having problems in your life? Is there a book that can give us hope for the future? Is the Bible that book? How do I find out what the Bible has to offer? Hear the speaker explain the part the Bible can play in your life.
Who are the Christadelphians?
You may have heard of us and be wondering who we are? Why we are called Christadelphians? What we believe? What we are like? Are we any different to other Christian religions? What is our basis of belief? To hear the answers to these and other questions. come and hear our speaker or watch online.
Jerusalem – Future Capital of the World
Where is Jerusalem? Why is Jerusalem important? Why will Jerusalem be the future capital of the world? When will it be the capital of the world? Who will make it the capital of the world? Who will rule from Jerusalem? How will this affect my life? Will I be able to be involved? Hear the speaker give the answers to these questions from the Bible.
Why is Baptism necessary?
What is the Bible’s definition of baptism? Why is it necessary? What can baptism do for me? Listen to the answer to this question being given from the Bible.
Israel – God’s Chosen People
Why is Israel important? Why are the Jews God’s chosen people? When and how did Israel become God’s chosen people? Why should this interest me? Listen to the speaker answer this question.
Why Jesus had to Die to Save Us
Why did Jesus have to die? Why was he crucified? How does Jesus death save us? What do we have to do for Jesus death to save us? Listen to the speakers answers to these questions.
Does it Matter What You Believe?
Where can we find the answer to this question? What authorizes this authority to decide the answer to this question? If it does matter what I believe what do I need to do to find out what I should believe? Why is this question relevant to me? Listen to the arguments which answer these questions.
Peace Treaties: Will they bring Peace to Israel?
Will peace come to the Middle East? Will peace treaties bring peace? How important to the world is peace in Israel? How will I be affected if there is peace in Israel? What does Bible prophecy say about peace in Israel? Hear the speaker answer these questions from the the Bible.
What is the Point of the Bible – Can We Trust it?
Why was the Bible written? When was the Bible written and by whom? How does the Bible affect my life? Why can we trust the Bible? What evidence is there to prove that the Bible is true and therefore an important Book for us ….
Demons and Devils Explained by the Bible
What are demons and devils? What does the Bible say about them? Is the understanding of them important to a Christian? Do they have any influence on our lives? Listen to what the speaker says from the Bible.
Resurrection and Judgement Explained by the Bible
What is resurrection? When will it occur? Will I be judged and who by? When will this judgement occur? What can happen as a result of resurrection? Why is this important to me? Listen to the Bible’s explanation of resurrection and judgement and how it could affect your future.
Does God Require Me to Believe Something Specific?
What does God require of me? How do we find out what God requires? Why should we be interested in what God requires? What can God offer us? Is there something specific God requires us to believe? Find out from the speaker.
Are We Immortal?
What is Immortality? What does God say in the Bible about immortality? Do we have Immortality? Could we be Immortal? How do we become immortal? Why is this important? Listen to the speaker answer these questions.
What Does the Bible Say About Living Forever?
Can you live forever? Why is the teaching of the Bible about living forever important? Do we go to heaven at death? Is resurrection the means to living forever? Why is this important for me? Here the words of the speaker as he expounds this question.
Why We Believe God Created the World
Did God create the World? What are some of the reasons for believing God created the world? Listen and consider some personal reasons for believing God created the World. The panel will discuss their own important reasons for believing this
The Power of Bible Prophecy
What is Bible Prophecy? How extensive is Prophecy in the Bible? When were the prophecies Written? Why is it important? What does it show about the Bible? What is the Power of Bible Prophecy? What does this mean for me? Here what the speaker says about this important subject.
Israel’s 75 Anniversary – God’s Witness
Why is the nation of Israel so important to God? What is the significance of its modern existence? What does it mean for me? Hear about these questions at two locations listed below:
What Does it Mean to be a True Disciple of Jesus?
Many claim to be disciples of Jesus, but are they true disciples? How do we know what a True Disciple is? What is a True Disciple? How can I become a True Disciple of Jesus? What does this mean for me? Why be a True Disciple of Jesus? Hear the answers to these questions.
The Jews: God’s Chosen People
Who are the Jews? Where did they come from? When did they become God’s chosen people? Why are they God’s chosen people? What does this mean for the Jews? How will this benefit them? What does this mean for me? Why should I be interested in the Jews? Listen to the message of the speaker as he answers these questions.
God Loves Families
What is God’s definition of a family? Why are families important to God? Why did God institute families? Why does God love families? What does God think of family breakdowns? What is the purpose of a family? What has all this to do with me and my family if I have one? Listen to the speaker answer these and other questions.
Does the Kingdom of God exist Today?
What is the kingdom of God? Has it ever existed? Will it exist in the Future? What about today? Is the church the Kingdom of God? What does the Bible say about the Kingdom of God? Who is the King? What is the capitol of the Kingdom? Am I or can I be in the kingdom of God? What do I need to do to be in the Kingdom of God? The speaker will answer these questions.
Is there a God?
What is a God? How many Gods are there? Which God should we be interested in? Is God interested in us? Why should I believe in one specific God? What evidence is there for the existence of a God? What does this mean for me? What should I do? Hear the speaker’s presentation ….
What is the Purpose of Life?
Why are we here? What do we want from our lives? Is there any meaning in our lives? Is our life purely to please ourselves or is it for some greater purpose? How should we live our lives? What does the Bible say about the reason we are here? Hear the answers to these questions.
Is God a Trinity?
What is the Trinity? Is the Trinity taught in the Bible? Did Jesus Christ believe in the Trinity? When was the doctrine of the Trinity first accepted? Is Jesus Christ a part of the Trinity? Is the Holy Spirit a part of the Trinity? Why does it matter what God is? How will your understanding of God affect your life now and in the future? Listen to the speaker answer these questions.
The Coming Kingdom
What kingdom is this? When will it be established? Who will rule this kingdom? Where will it be and how large will it be? Who will be the subjects of this kingdom? What laws will control this kingdom? How will I be affected by this kingdom? Can i be a part of this kingdom? Hear the speaker …
Does Evolution have the Real Answer to the Origin of Life?
What is Evolution? What is the origin of life? What is the real answer to its origin? Are there any other possible origins of life? If there are, what are they? Which idea about the origin of life is most likely? What could this mean for me and my life, both now and in the future? Hear what our speaker has to say about these questions.
The Coming World Conflagration
What is this conflagration? When will it occur? Where will it start? Who will be involved? How do we know about this conflagration? What will be the result of this conflagration? Will it involve me, my family or my country? Listen to the answers to these questions …
What is the Future for Europe?
What does the Bible say about Europe? Is its future foretold in the Bible? What is its future? How will the future of Europe affect me and why should I be interested in its future? What do I need to do about it? Hear our speaker answer these questions.
Great Bible Promises that give us Hope
What are these promises that can give us hope? Who gave these promises and to whom were they given? Why do these promises give us hope? How can these promises apply to us and what is the Hope they give? Listen to the speaker give answers to these and other questions to find out the hope that these Bible promises give.
What is the Perfect Form of Government?
Some would say Democracy, others Communism, others some other form. Who has the right to say which form of government is best? What does God say in His word the Bible? Does it support one of these forms of government or something completely different? What effect does the answer have on your future? Listen to what the speaker has to say in answer to these and other questions about this subject.
Our World – Safe in God’s Hands
With the world in so much trouble, why would we say that it is safe in God’s hands? What evidence is there for making this statement? What does the future hold if the world is safe? How will this affect me? What can my future be like? Hear these answers and more.
God’s Answer to Global Warming
What is Global Warming? Is there an answer to Global Warming? Can humankind provide the answer to Global Warming? Can God provide the answer to Global Warming? What is the true answer to Global Warming? Can I help prevent Global Warming? How will the answer affect me? Listen to the answers to these and more from the Bible.
God’s Plan for Australia
Is Australia mentioned in the Bible? If so how? What part does Australia play in God’s plan? Why is this important for Australians? What is God’s plan for the future? How am I to be included in this plan? Listen to the answers to these questions and understand more of God’s plan for this world.
Who Wrote the Bible?
How was the Bible written? Who was the true source of the message of the Bible? Why is it important to know who wrote the Bible? What effect may the answers to these questions have on your life? Hear the speaker answer these questions.
Baptism Essential to Salvation
What is Baptism? What does it mean to be saved? Why is baptism essential? Hear what the Bible teaches about baptism, what part it plays in a believers life and how it can lead to salvation.
Who are the Christadelphians?
You may have heard of us and be wondering who we are? Why we are called Christadelphians? What we believe? What we are like? Are we any different to other Christian religions? What is our basis of belief? To hear the answers to these and other questions….
Read More
The Bible Explains How You Can Have Eternal Happiness
What is true happiness? Can you have it? What is this to do with the Bible? When can we have true happiness. If you want happiness, hear our speaker explain the answers to these questions from the Bible. Listen in our hall or watch online.
Will Putin’s Russia Trigger WW3?
Mr Putin President of Russia has put the world in a perilous state, but will it trigger WW3? The Bible, God;s word to mankind, has predicted the future moves of Russia. These moves are written in the Old Testament prophecy of Ezekiel as well as other prophets. The prophet Ezekiel also predicted the rise of the Modern State of Israel, which shows that these prophecies can be trusted.
The Russian Plan for World Dominion Exposed by the Bible
The future of Russia is outlined in the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament of the Bible. The current existence of the nation of Israel today is also foretold in that same book. The existence of Israel today proves the Bible to be the word of God and therefore the prophecies about the plan for world dominion by Russia can be relied upon.
Rare Bible Exhibition
Exciting exhibition of old and rare Bibles, models: and displays including:
- First Nations Bible — Pitjantjatjara Language
- Lincoln Inauguration Bible c 1861 AD
- Copy of the King James Bible 1611
- Sinai Bible c 330 – 360 AD
- Reproduction of the Rosetta Stone
- Printing Press Display
- Reproduction of Megillat Esther Scroll
Bible Prophecy Seminar Series Starting August 2022
If you find having confidence in the Bible difficult, then this Seminar series is for you.
2019 Bible Education Seminars
More information coming soon…
Israel Turns 70 – But Who’s Celebrating?
In May 2018 we held a gripping presentation:
Israel turns 70, but who’s celebrating?
Bible Exhibition 2017
The Christadelphians held a Bible Exhibition, which was open to the public from Monday 11th September to Thursday 28th September 2017.
The Bible Exhibition is a free visual display on the Bible and Bible related themes.
The exhibition has been designed to bring the “hope in God” to the attention of every person and to encourage them to “seize the hope” that is set before them (Hebrews 6:18).
We hope and pray that you enjoyed your Bible Exhibition experience.
2017 Bible Education Seminars
This seminar series commenced in February 2017.
The course was designed to help participants gain a better understanding of the Bible. The course was held in 10 venues across South Australia.
The Six Day War – Free Seminar
Bible Lecture at Woodville
Bible Presentations in Henley Beach & Woodville
Special Town Hall Presentation
On Tuesday November 15th 2016 a free bible presentation was held at the Adelaide Town Hall on the following topics:
In Or Out? Bible Implications of a Brexit
On 23 June 2016 voters in Britain will decide on their role in the European Union. How will this affect their future and what are the implications for the Middle East?
On Sunday the 19th of June the public was invited to come and hear what Bible prophecy says about Britain and her allies, including Australia, and the part they will play in the battle of Armageddon.
2016 Bible Education Seminars
This seminar series commenced in February 2016.
It helped those who find reading the Bible difficult or frustrating, giving attendees the tools needed to better understand the Bible.
The course was held in 10 venues across South Australia, to the title “Learn to read the Bible effectively”
Sunday 20th December 2015 – Free Bible Seminar
A free 60 minute presentation was given in 8 locations across South Australia: “Russia, Syria, Iran, Turkey, Israel – What on Earth will happen next?”.
Bible Exhibition 2015
The Christadelphians held the Bible Exhibition, which was open to the public from the 19th September to the 5th of October 2015.
The Bible Exhibition is a free visual display on the Bible and Bible related themes.
The Bible Exhibition has been designed to bring the “hope in God” to the attention of every person and to encourage them to “seize the hope” that is set before them (Hebrews 6:18).
We hope and pray that you enjoyed your Bible Exhibition experience.
Royal Adelaide Show Stand 2015
We hope you visited us at the Royal Adelaide Show, at stand #H51 in the Jubilee Pavilion, from the 4th to the 12th of September.
Many visitors discussed with us a variety of bible topics and questions they had.
2015 Bible Education Seminars
This seminar series commenced in February 2015.
We demonstrated that the Bible has accurately predicted events which have come about exactly as foretold, which gives us confidence to believe what the Bible says about our future.
The course was held in 15 venues across South Australia, to the title “The Bible – Answers today, hope for tomorrow”