Many people say they believe in God but if you ask them what they believe about him, an almost incredible vagueness emerges. Their general view of God reflects their view of themselves. Most people are inclined to be indulgent towards their own failings and they think of God in the same way. ‘I like to think of God’, they say, ‘as infinitely kind, always forgiving and never condemning anyone, even wrongdoers’. Others say, ‘Well, if God exists, and I do what I think is right, I shall get whatever reward there is’
This booklet is written especially for those who confess that they believe in the God worshipped by Christians but who may not have thought much about His nature. What is God like? What are His attributes and characteristics? If we can discover the answers to these questions, it could make a profound difference to the way we revere and worship the Almighty Creator, the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Just to give some idea of what follows, we hope to show that God — the God of the Bible — is …