If you find having confidence in the Bible difficult, then this Seminar series is for you.
The Global economy is extremely uncertain with most countries experiencing increasing inflation and the possibility of recession.
The Middle East is a regular source of tension and unrest, this together with the war in Ukraine and the threat of war with China causes worldwide concern.
Even in Australia we face an uncertain future with the increase in floods and fires, as well as escalating local violence and gang warfare.
The future is looking very uncertain, but thankfully there is an answer.
You are invited to join us for a free seminar series that examines how God will solve the world’s problems.
The Bible contains clear and powerful prophecies concerning the good news that is in store for this world, and explains how you can be a part of this amazing future.
The Bible details numerous prophecies that have been proven, coming to pass with remarkable accuracy.
This series examines these prophecies in detail and shows that God is in control and that His book the Bible can provide answers for today and hope for tomorrow.
This free seminar series is being held in:
The Saint Clare Recreation Foundation Centre
109 Woodville Road, Woodville.
They will commence on Tuesday 9th August at 7:00 pm, consisting of two 45 minute sessions, a 30 minute break and finishing at 9:00pm. The six seminars are to run each week until the 13th September.
The topics to be covered are:
Seminar 1 – Background to the Bible and prophecy
Seminar 2 – Three examples of fulfilled Bible Prophecies
Seminar 3 – Consideration of a Bible prophecy that accurately predicts 3,000 years of world history
Seminar 4 – The nation of Israel a prophetical miracle
Seminar 5 – The Bible’s prophecies concerning the future of the world
Seminar 6 – The Bible’s Prophecies concerning God’s ultimate hope for us
There are no fees and all materials are provided free of charge.
If you would like to come, please register using the form below.