A free bible presentation was held at the Adelaide Town Hall. A recording of this presentation is available now for viewing.
Before the year 2014 Australians paid little attention to Russian ambition or to her President, Vladimir Putin. Who remembers the brutal attacks on Chechnya (1999) with more than 50,000 estimated dead or the full scale offensive against Georgia in 2008 with 475 death and almost 160,00 displaced? And lets not forget the countless journalists and protesters who have disappeared or been silenced to protect the dark secrets of this President’s regime.
Recently we have watched Russia’s sudden move south, annexing Crimea and destabilising the country of Ukraine. Now flight MH17 shot down by Russian-branded separatists again forcing our attention upon this militant power as we mourn the loss of 28 Australians.
But don’t turn away, the Bible reveals that these are only the first steps of her grand plan for domination right across Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Bible Students for years have understood Russia’s re-emergence would be a prelude to the introduction of a new world order – God’s New World.
We warmly welcome you to hear for yourself the Bible’s message regarding the future of Russia, and the future of our world in this graphic presentation:
Russia’s Grand Plan Exposed in the Bible
Order DVD of the Presentation
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